
Traditional watch is better than smart watch.

Traditional watch is better than smart watch.

Traditional watch is better than smart watch. The debut of Apple watch has caused a threat to the traditional watch industry. In fact, many people are wondering whether the smart watch is going to replace the traditional watch. First, we need to look at the target audience. For tech savvy consumers, who love to make their lives more productive or interesting by strapping the gadget...

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Symbolism of Stone: Carrara Marble

Symbolism of Stone: Carrara Marble

Throughout the ages, stones, whether precious, semi-precious or seemingly plain old rocks to entire mountains, have held a preferential position of wonder, mysticism, symbolism, beauty and worth. From ancient times until today, stone has been used for making tools and shelter, tradable currency, spiritual healing and aesthetic adornment. Stone boasts a rich, colourful history and symbolism, across cultures and civilisations, around the globe. In manifold...

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The Origin of Carrara Marble

The Origin of Carrara Marble

Carrara marble comes from the town of Carrara, northern Tuscany. This unique stone was formed by by calcite-rich shells left behind by marine organisms when they die. Those deposited remains form limestone which can be hidden under multi-ton layers of rock. The intense heat and pressure can then cause the limestone to metamorphose into marble. Marble formed from the purest limestone is the white characteristic of...

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